Wednesday, July 05, 2006

We have a visual

My hands are shaking. I have seen the bridge. And it's beautiful!

It was confirmed today that I will serve God full-time starting in August. I will be working for a Christian organisation called Logos Ministries (Kansan Raamattuseura in Finnish) and my mission will be the students and young adults of Tampere.

On this day I'm living proof that dreams do come true. This is something I have dreamed of for almost ten years. And now it's finally time to live the promises. To breathe freely and be the person I have always been. The sense of fullfillment and joy is overwhelming. And at the same time I know that worries and disappointments will come and when they do, God will be as loyal as He is today.

The words of Robert Frost's poem tell it as it is:

I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.

I also want to share a coupple of pictures taken last fall on our alpha-course for students. This is something that will keep me busy this fall as well. Except it will be a part of my job:)

Above: Playing a game with concentration. Myself with the pigtails!

Below: Holy Communion at an outdoors chappel.


Jennie Kay said...

Oi! Paljon paljon onnea ja siunausta työhön! :D Vähänkö cool. Tulen heti syksyllä Kräsällä käymään, kunhan vain pääsen taas takaisin Tampereelle.

Rita said...

Praise God! He is so faithful. I'm so happy for you, Saija.

Karoliina said...

Saija Jumala on hyvä, eikös vain? Olen iloinen ja kateudesta vihreä. Samalla odotan innoissani, että minäkin löydän sen oman "siltani". Ehditäänkö nähdä tässä kuussa?
