Monday, March 05, 2007

Facts of Life (10 of them to be exact)

So, recently I was tagged by Karoliina to share 10 random facts/secrets about myself. I love these kinds of things! I just hope I can come up with 10 things...without revealing too much of my inner weirdness;)

1. Beginning with childhood stuff: I was seriously obsessed with barbies up until I was about 14. And when I say obsessed, I mean it. I have group pictures of my barbies and I can still remember most of their names, ages and jobs. I know their histories and personalities. For example: Carmen is a 12-year old who used to love mountain climbing. Unfortunately she had a terrible accident at the mountains and can't do that anymore (her head isn't attached to her body anymore, you see). She was never the same. For some reason, most of my barbies are missing a limb or two...but I got really good at using scotch tape!

2. I'm affraid of poisons and other stuff that isn't good for human beings. This was sadly proven at 8th grade chemistry class when I thought there was a gas leak. I panicked and ran out of the classroom. I regained my self-control quite fast, but was still the subject of ridicule for the rest of the day. I still prefer cleaning products that are poison-free.

3. As a child I had 3 imaginary friends: Little Saija, Edvard and Kiniki (I have no idea where the last name came from). They existed mostly to assist my alter ego, Super-Saija, at rescuing the world and protecting the innocent. Little Saija was the smartest of them and my right hand. Edvard and Kiniki usually just messed up everything and were more trouble than helpfull. Incidentally, Edvard is my younger brother's middle name. I also still suffer from superhero fantasies and hope to do my part at saving the world.

4. Related to number 3, I love books and movies about great adventures. When I first saw Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (the one with Kevin Costner) I was living in Sherwood Forrest for months! I love that movie! I also had the movie poster on my wall for ages. It took me a long time to realize that contrary to what everyone kept telling me when I was growing up, adventures are a part of real life. My life is full of them! Because, really, would the God that invented Robin Hood give us a boring life? It's more than just existing, my friends!

5. Jean-Luc Picard is my favourite Star Trek captain. Yeah, I'm a Star Trek fan, have been ever since I saw my first episode. But I would't call myself a Trekkie. I don't own the outfit that is required;)

6. an attempt to say something a little deeper I shall reveal that...I don't consider myself an especially deep person. I enjoy everyday things like watching birds fly over the roof tops and eating a good meal. I don't feel the need for philosophy, I prefer poetry.

7. At some point in my life I have wanted to become a singer, an actress, a hair-dresser, a speech therapist, a social worker, a pastor and a car mechanic. I'm pretty gratefull that most of those prayers recieved a No as an answer.

8. When I was younger I desperately wanted to be able to play an instrument. At present I can play the piano a bit (jut for my own pleasure) and the guitar even less. I don't much desire to be able to play anymore though. I've realized that I wouldn't be me if I could play something. And I rather enjoy being me:)

9. There are two people in my life who are more important than anyone else: My brothers. My elder brother is 8 years older than I am and was always a sort of surrogate father to me. He has been my source of wisdom, advice and handyman services over the years. My younger brother is 4 years my junior. We've had amazing fun together as we've played different games (that we usually invented ourselves). He's also my brother in Christ which unites us in a more special level. With him I've seen Hot Shots more times than probably is healthy, amongst other things;D

10. Ooh, the last one! OK... Hmm. I've never gotten a ticket for speeding, but I was once stopped by the police because they thought I was driving too slowly. Really, what's the hurry? Besides, it was icy that day, I swear.

Yay, this was fun:) I have no one to tag though...all my blog friends have done this already. But I'll remember this if some unsuspecting friend decides to start a blog!


Karoliina said...

Hihiii... sa oot hauska! HIIILAARIIIOUUUS... Tiesitko, etta Jonsun "alter-ego" opiskeluaikoina oli "Scotch Tape Man"?! =)

Saija said...

Hah, en tiennyt! Vaan voin kuvitella:D

Paavo Toivanen said...

Öö, mulla oli muistikuva JO kommentoimisesta, mutta se tarkoittaa vaan, että kävin hykertelemässä ja lähdin sitten tieheni...